Five reasons to Sail in the Seychelles
Five reasons to Sail in the Seychelles
Five reasons to Sail in the Seychelles
- Notwithstanding media exposure of celebrities visiting the Seychelles – Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and Angela Jolie, British Prince William and Kate to name a few – the archipelago remains one of most exclusive destinations in the world. Untill recent only for the rich and famous, now made affordable by Bat-O-Bleu !
- If you’re looking for pristine and untouched nature, Robinson-like beaches and magnificent marine life, you are at the right place. Even the most seasoned travellers will be amazed by the abundance and diversity of the native fauna and flora of the Seychelles.
- Seychelles enjoy a tropical and sunny climate all year round which allows us to escape our long and dark winters. The short sailing distances between the islands are ideal to divide your time between on board life and on land excursions.
- Seychelles is renowned for its Creole hospitality, cuisine and safe environment. Compared to mainland Africa and Europe, there is hardly any crime or violence, nor diseases like malaria etc. Did you know that untill recent, the inhabitants of Praslin and La Digue left their house keys in their doors when going out ?
- Travelling overseas can be tiresome. Not so when travelling to the Seychelles. Thanks to minimal time difference with Europe (CET +2/+3h), there are no jetlag or adaptation problems. Just touch down and enjoy !

Welcome to the Seychelles, welcome to paradise!
The Seychelles are scattered over the Western Indian Ocean, at a latitude between 4° and 10° South. The island group covers a wide oceanic area of +/- 400,000 km2. They are made up of 115 islands, just 20 of which are inhabited with a total land area of 450 km2. The main island of Mahe, with the capital Victoria, is at practically equal distance from the continents surrounding the Indian Ocean. It is 1600 km from the mainland of Africa, India and Madagascar..

The isolated location in the middle of the ocean lends the island group its unique landscape and vegetation. Plants, trees and animals were able to adapt over millennia to the islands’ conditions and climate and created the distinctive tropical flora and fauna of the Seychelles. 90% of the Seychelles is a National Park, ideal for pure eco-tourism. The island group enjoys a tropical climate without cyclones all year round.
Tell people you are going to the Seychelles, and their eyes light up. Pictures of white beaches, a bright blue sea and a hammock between two palm trees are conjured up. The Seychelles deserve that heavenly image of a carefree holiday destination. In the top 10 of nicest beaches in the world, you will find 5 in the Seychelles. And there’s more to it than just sun, sea and sand.
Food-wise all tastes are catered for and the authentic Creole kitchen comes highly recommended.
You can also go island hopping in a catamaran. All water sports are available and if you are the more adventurous type you can go on an organised mountain walk and discover the unique fauna. Cultural excursions cannot be missing from the itinerary of course.
Archipelago Of 115 Islands
The Inner Islands are near the main islands of Mahé, Praslin and La Digue which are the cultural and economic centre of the Seychelles, as well as the centre of Seychellois tourism. Almost the entire Seychellois population lives on these islands and it is also where you find most of the accommodation. In all, there are 43 Inner islands, 41 of which granite islands and 2 coral islands.
The Outer Islands comprise 72 islands. They are located between 230 km and 1150 km from the main island of Mahé. These fantastic miniature worlds, some of which are not much bigger than a pile of sand or rock and their unspoilt nature, are an ideal place to sail, fish and dive where few have gone before. Just 2 islands, Alphonse and Desroches, have accommodation.
Thank you to Kristof Van Derschueren From for the interesting content.